Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Pictures

Hello all! Steven sent out some new pictures. Here they are!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Puppy Update

Steven had to get rid of the puppy. He said that Kailee wasn't listening to him because she was so distracted by chewy. He has been letting me watch his new webcam. Kailee has been cracking me up. She can see herself on Steven's monitor so, she sticks out her tongue and then puckers which makes her cheeks puff out. She's so funny. She was running back and forth across the living room floor laughing hysterically. My favorite moment by far was when she said "Auntie". She is SOO sweet.

Post Summary...
Steven got rid of Chewy and got a fish.
Kailee is amazing!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Post #1

Hey everyone! I finally broke down and made a blog. I figured that since my brother isn't very good at sending out the new pictures that he takes of Kailee, I will do it for him! I'll also give you all an update on what's going on with me.

School i s pretty crazy. I'm in so many classes and it's all music all the time! Don't get me wrong, I love it but there are so many things to learn.

I'll stop talking about me and get to the baby pictures...



For some reason, Steven named him Chewy!

The most intense staring contest ever!

Precious Baby!

February Pictures

She's got SOO much hair!!


Lazy Baby!

Steven referred to this picture as the "Willy Wonka Picture."